Nov 5, 2018 | Cast & Crew, community service night, Offerings, Sponsors, student night, Upcoming Shows, Volunteers, Volunteers
Read the Little Shop of Horrors program here. Inside, our governing board president David Ballantyne previews the end of 2018 and the start of our 2019 season. Little Shop of Horrors Program
Oct 31, 2018 | Cast & Crew, Upcoming Shows, Volunteers
Call for applications Pentacle Theatre is seeking proposals for one-act production to represent the theater in the AACT Oregon One-Act Play Festival on March 10, 2019, at The Historic Grand Theatre in Salem. If selected to represent Pentacle Theatre, the production...
Oct 26, 2018 | Auditions, Auditions Notices, Cast & Crew, Press Releases, Upcoming Shows, Volunteers
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct 26, 2018 Contact: Lisa Joyce, 503-485-4300 What: Open auditions for The Producers — book by Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan; music and lyrics by Mel Brooks. Directed by Robert Salberg....
Jul 20, 2018 | In the News, News and Events, Offerings, Sponsors, Upcoming Shows, Volunteers, Volunteers
SALEM—From mermaids to Broadway flops that go hilariously awry, and from trailer parks to contemporary American dramas, Pentacle Theatre’s 2019 season promises to thrill, delight and challenge audiences with its selection of eight shows plus its annual fundraiser...
Jul 12, 2018 | Auditions, Auditions Notices, Cast & Crew, Cast and crew, News and Events, Press Releases, Volunteers, Volunteers
What: Open auditions for Little Shop of Horrors — book and lyrics by Alan Menken & music by Howard Ashman. Directed by Robert Salberg. When: 1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 18. Where: Pentacle Theatre, 324 52nd Ave. NW, off Highway 22, About 6 miles west of downtown Salem,...
Jun 6, 2018 | Auditions Notices, Cast & Crew, News and Events, Press Releases, Uncategorized, Upcoming Shows, Volunteers, Volunteers
Learn more about what it is like to audition for a Pentacle Theatre production What: Open auditions for DRACULA, written by Steven Dietz, from the novel by Bram Stoker. Directed by David Ballantyne. When: 1 p.m., Saturday, July 14. Where: Pentacle Theatre, 324 52nd...