FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 30, 2015 Contact: Lisa Joyce, 503-485-4300 ext. 20,
Pentacle Theatre to hold open auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank
What: Open auditions for the newly adapted version of The Diary of Anne Frank. written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett and adapted by Wendy Kesselman.
When: 1 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 19.
Where: Pentacle Theatre Lobby, 324 52nd Avenue NW, Salem, Oregon
Casting: Seven men, three women, one teen-aged boy and two teen-aged girls. For a full list of parts, genders and ages, please visit the Pentacle Theatre website at Click on “auditions” at the top of the page. See specific gender and age needs.
Auditions: Actors will read from the script, copies of which are available on loan at the Pentacle Theatre Business Office, 145 Liberty Street NE in downtown Salem for a $10 refundable deposit. Call 503-485-4300 ext. 22 to arrange for pickup. Those auditioning should bring a list of scheduling conflicts for Dec. 21, 2015, and Jan. 4 through March 26, 2016.
Callbacks (if needed): 2:00 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 20, Pentacle Theatre Lobby, 324 52nd Avenue NW Salem, Oregon
Read-through: 6:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 21, Pentacle Theatre Rehearsal Studio, 145 Liberty St. NE, Salem, Oregon
Rehearsals: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays at the theater’s rehearsal studio. The director will set weekend rehearsals and work sessions as needed.
Show dates: Friday, March 4 to Saturday, March 26.
About the show: In this transcendentally powerful new adaptation by Wendy Kesselman, Anne Frank emerges from history a living, lyrical, intensely gifted young girl, who confronts her rapidly changing life and the increasing horror of her time with astonishing honesty, wit, and determination. An impassioned drama about the lives of eight people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed storage attic, THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK captures the claustrophobic realities of their daily existence—their fear, their hope, their laughter, their grief. Each day of these two dark years, Anne’s voice shines through: “When I write I shake off all my cares. But I want to achieve more than that. I want to be useful and bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death!” This is a new adaptation for a new generation.
For more information: Contact the director, Debbie Neel at, 503-991-1479.
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Pentacle Theatre is Salem’s premier community theatre, celebrating 60 years of professional-quality productions staged in an intimate setting. Pentacle Theatre encourages actors of all abilities and ethnic backgrounds to participate in its productions.